Kong, Zelun   孔泽伦

Ph.D. Student
Research Assistant
The University of Texas, Dallas

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I am a Ph.D. candidate at The University of Texas at Dallas (UTD), working as research assistant supervised by Dr. Chung Kwan Kim. Before joining UTD, I received my B.S. degree for Computer Science from Wuhan University.


  1. TZ-DATASHIELD: Automated Data Protection for Embedded Systems via Data-Flow-Based Compartmentalization. NDSS 2025. code artifact bibtex
    Zelun Kong, Minkyung Park, Guan Le, Ning Zhang, Chung Hwan Kim
  2. Adv-makeup: A new imperceptible and transferable attack on face recognition. IJCAI 2021. bibtex
    Bangjie Yin, Wenxuan Wang, Taiping Yao, Junfeng Guo, Zelun Kong, Shouhong Ding, Jilin Li, Cong Liu
  3. PhysGAN: Generating Physical-World-Resilient Adversarial Examples for Autonomous Driving. CVPR 2020. bibtex
    Zelun Kong, Junfeng Guo, Ang Li, Cong Liu
  4. DeepBillboard: Systematic Physical-World Testing of Autonomous Driving Systems. ICSE 2020. bibtex
    Husheng Zhou, Wei Li, Zelun Kong, Junfeng Guo, Yuqun Zhang, Bei Yu, Lingming Zhang, Cong Liu
  5. Robust high dimensional stream classification with novel class detection. ICDE 2019. bibtex
    Zhuoyi Wang, Zelun Kong, Swarup Changra, Hemeng Tao, Latifur Khan
  6. Metric Learning based Framework for Streaming Classification with Concept Evolution. IJCNN 2019. bibtex
    Zhuoyi Wang, Hemeng Tao, Zelun Kong, Swarup Chandra, Latifur Khan
  7. A general analysis framework for soft real-time tasks. TPDS 2018. bibtex
    Zheng Dong, Cong Liu, Soroush Bateni, Zelun Kong, Liang He, Lingming Zhang, Ravi Prakash, Yuqun Zhang